President Sun Haiming Met with Guests fromINTI Education Group

On 10th December, Chen Youxin, President of INTI Education Groupand Chairman of the Board of INTI University College, Chen Jinsong,Chief Representative of the Beijing Office of the Group and WangXiaoyi, Chief Representative of the Shanghai Office paid a visit toSIFT. Professor Sun Haiming, President of SIFT, met with theguests. Wang Guanglin, Dean of the School of Foreign Languges andQiu Guixi, Dean of the School of International Studies were also atthe meeting.


President Sun Haiming extended, on behalf of SIFT, warm welcome tothe guests and introduced SIFT's guiding principle of promotinginternational education. The two sides discussed such programs asstudent exchanges , “3?1”, sending overseas students to China andsummer study tour. A cooperative agreement on student exchanges andstudy tour programs was planned to be signed in the first half of2010.


Founded in 1986, INTI Education Group is a group of privateuniversities in Malaysia, having nine independent colleges indifferent cities of Malaysia with its headquarters in Nilai newtown. It delivers programs in business, computer science,engineering, biotechnology and life science, etc.