Indiana Government Officials visited SIFT Incubation Center on Gubei Campus

On the afternoon of November 6th, vice-mayor of Anderson, Indiana,the U.S., the executive of the Entrepreneurship Center of AndersonUniversity and the other three guests in the delegation visitedSIFT Post-Degree Training Centre and Gubei Incubation Center. SIFTVice President Xu Xiaowei met with the guests. Xu Dongfeng,Director of International Affairs Office, Yang Xiaoyan,Vice-Director of Post-Degree Training Centre also attended themeeting.


The two sides expressed their wishes to conduct cooperation in thefield of entrepreneurship. Mr. Graham, vice-mayor of AndersonMunicipality invited SIFT leaders and teachers of entrepreneurshipeducation to visit the US, saying that they were willing to helpestablish a relationship between enterprises in Anderson UniversityEntrepreneurship Center and SIFT entrepreneurial students.


The guests also visited WTO Affairs Consultation Centre andexchanged views with the experts there on Sino-US trade relations.