Ms. Linda Hanson, President of Hamline University Visited SIFT

On the morning of November 13th, Ms. Linda Hanson, president ofHamline University in the US, Robb Prince, Chairman of its Board ofTrustees and the other three guests in the delegation visited SIFT.They were welcomed by Xu Xiaowei, vice-president of SIFT.


In the meeting, Ms. Xu Xiaowei extended, on behalf of SIFT, warmwelcome to Ms. Linda Hanson and her delegation, and introduced thefeature of running SIFT, curriculum, personnel training anddisciplines SIFT enjoys an advantage in. She also said that weachieved satisfactory results in the cooperative programs betweenSIFT and universities in Britain, US, Canada and Austria. She wasconvinced that the cooperation between SIFT and Hamline Universitywould have great prospect. Ms. Linda Hanson expressed her gratitudefor the hospitality of SIFT, and invited Ms. Xu Xiaowei to visitHamline University at a due time. After giving a brief introductionon Hamline University, she expressed that there was much room forcooperation between the two universities, hoping to conductcooperation with SIFT in personnel training and teacher exchanges.


During the visit, Linda Hanson and her delegation visited thelibrary, international business centre, language laboratory,simulation court and other teaching facilities in SIFT.


Founded in 1854, Hamline University is the first university inMinnesota, consisting of College of Liberal Arts, School of Law,School of Business, School of Education and School of LiberalStudies. At present it is home to nearly 4900 students.