SIFT Beijing Alumni Association Established

On 24th October, SIFT Beijing Alumni Association was established inBeijing Capital Hotel. SIFT delegation including the Director ofSIFT Executive Committee, Wu Kemin, and the Chief of Students'Affairs Office, Yu Zhen, and more than 170 SIFT alumni from Beijingattended the ceremony.


On behalf of SIFT, Director Wu Kemin extended warm congratulationsto the foundation of SIFT Beijing Alumni Association, pointing outthat alumni are valuable treasures of SIFT and SIFT is proud oftheir contributions to the society. He also said that thedevelopment of SIFT is closely related to the support from itsalumni.


General Manager of China Steel India Ltd. and the chairman ofSino-Indian chamber of commerce Wang Hongsen and other alumni alsodelivered warm remarks at the ceremony, expressing their gratitudeand deep love to their teachers and Alma Mater.


President, vice-president, secretary-general and deputysecretary-general of SIFT Beijing Alumni Association were elected.